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Deploy Your First Service

Choreo is an Internal Developer Platform (IDevP) that makes it easy to deploy, monitor, and manage your cloud-native services. This allows you to focus on innovation and implementation.

With Choreo, you can deploy services written in your preferred programming language in just a few simple steps.

In this guide, you will:

  • Use a pre-built service that manages a book list.
  • Build and deploy the service in Choreo using the Node.js buildpack. The service runs on port 8080.
  • Test the service.

For a video tutorial, check out Deploy Your First Service with Choreo.


  1. GitHub account: Fork the Choreo sample book list service repository, which contains the sample for this guide.

  2. If you're signing in to the Choreo Console for the first time, create an organization:

    1. Go to and sign in using your Google, GitHub, or Microsoft account.
    2. Enter a unique organization name. For example, Stark Industries.
    3. Read and accept the privacy policy and terms of use.
    4. Click Create.

    This creates the organization and opens the organization home page.

Repository file structure

Let's review the key files in the sample application:


The file paths are relative to <choreo-sample-book-list-service>/.

Filepath Description
app.mjs The Node.js (JavaScript) service code.
.choreo/component.yaml Choreo-specific configuration for exposing the service.
openapi.yaml OpenAPI contract for the service, required to publish it as a managed API.

Let's get started!

Step 1: Create a project

  1. Go to and sign in. This opens the organization home page.
  2. On the organization home page, click + Create Project.
  3. Enter the following details:


    The Name field must be unique and cannot be changed after creation.

    Field Value
    Project Display Name Book List Project
    Name book-list-project
    Project Description My sample project
  4. Click Create. This creates the project and takes you to the project home page.

Step 2: Create a service component

  1. On the project home page, click Service under Create a Component.
  2. Enter the following details:

    Field Value
    Component Display Name Book List
    Description Gets the book list
  3. Go to the GitHub tab.

  4. Click Authorize with GitHub to connect Choreo to your GitHub account. If you haven't connected your GitHub repository to Choreo, enter your credentials and select the repository you forked earlier to install the Choreo GitHub App.

    Alternatively, paste the Choreo sample Book List Service repository URL in the Provide Repository URL field. However, enabling Auto Deploy requires authorizing the repository with the Choreo GitHub App.


    The Choreo GitHub App requires: - Read and write access to code and pull requests. - Read access to issues and metadata.

    You can revoke access at any time. Write access is only used for sending pull requests; Choreo will not push changes directly to your repository.

  5. Enter the following information:

    Field Description
    Organization Your GitHub account
    Repository choreo-sample-book-list-service
    Branch main
  6. Select the NodeJS buildpack.

  7. Enter the following details:

    Field Description
    NodeJS Project Directory /
    Language Version 20.x.x
  8. Click Create.

You have successfully created a Service component using the NodeJS buildpack. Now, let's build and deploy the service.

Step 3: Build and deploy

Step 3.1: Build

  1. On the project home page, click the Book List component under Component Listing. This takes you to the component overview page.
  2. In the left navigation, click Build.
  3. Click Build Latest.


    The build process may take some time. You can track progress in the Build Details pane. Once complete, the build status changes to Success.

Step 3.2: Deploy

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Deploy.
  2. On the Set Up card, click Configure & Deploy.
  3. In the Environment Configurations pane, click Next.
  4. In the File Mount pane, click Next.
  5. Review the Endpoint Details and click Deploy.


    Deployment may take some time. Once complete, the status changes to Active on the Development environment card.

Step 4: Test the service

  1. In the Choreo Console left navigation menu, click Test and then click Console.
  2. In the OpenAPI Console, select Development from the environment drop-down.
  3. In the Endpoint list, select Books REST Endpoint.
  4. Expand the GET /books method and click Try it out.
  5. Click Execute.
  6. Check the Server Response section.

You can also try out other methods in the OpenAPI Console.

After successfully testing your service, explore other Choreo features like managing, observing, and DevOps.