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Quick Deploy a Sample

Choreo provides a Quick Deploy option for samples, allowing you to deploy a sample with a single click. This feature enables you to quickly explore and experiment with the sample.


Before you start using the samples, complete the following steps:

  • If you're signing in to Choreo for the first time, follow these steps to create an organization and project:
    1. Go to and sign in using your preferred method.
    2. Enter a unique organization name. For example, Stark Industries.
    3. Read and accept the privacy policy and terms of use.
    4. Click Create. This creates the organization and takes you to its Overview page.
    5. On the organization home page, click + Create Project.
    6. Enter a display name, unique name, and description for the project.
    7. Click Create. This creates the project and takes you to its Overview page.

Try out quick deploy

To quickly deploy a sample, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Choreo Console.
  2. On the Choreo Console header, go to the Project list and select your project. This opens the project Overview page.
  3. On the project Overview page, go to the Get Started with a Sample section. You will see a selection of samples.
  4. To view the complete collection of samples, click View All Samples.
  5. Hover over a sample of your choice and click Quick Deploy. This creates the component and deploys it automatically.

Post-deployment actions

Once you quick deploy a sample, follow one of the post-deployment actions below based on the component type:

  • For services: Go to the Test Console to test the deployed service.
  • For web applications: Open the deployed web application using the provided URL.
  • For manual tasks and scheduled tasks: Go to the Execute page and run the task. For scheduled tasks, you can also find the cron schedule on the Overview page.

This feature allows you to quickly explore and understand how Choreo works with minimal setup.