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Review Workflow Approval Requests

In Choreo, administrators can configure approvals for workflows and assign specific users as approvers.

If you are assigned as an authorized reviewer for a particular workflow approval request, you will receive an email notification when a request is submitted for approval. The email includes a summary of the request and a link to the Approvals page in the Choreo Console, where you can review the details and either approve or reject the request.


  • Workflow approvals are managed at the project level. If a role with the necessary permissions is assigned in a project context, only members of the user group bound to that role within the specific project will receive notifications for requests made in that project. For example, if you are assigned the Project Admin role (which includes the necessary permissions) for project A, you will only be notified of workflow requests within project A.
  • Users with organization-level permissions will receive notifications for all workflow requests across any project in the organization.

Other approvers within your organization will also receive notifications for workflow requests and may review a request before you. If a request has already been reviewed, it will appear under the Past tab on the Approvals page.

Approval requests are submitted on behalf of the team. Once approved, any authorized team member can execute the task. For certain tasks, execution may occur automatically upon approval.

View workflow approval requests

To view workflow approval requests assigned to you, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Choreo Console.
  2. In the Choreo Console header, go to the Organization list and select your organization.
  3. In the left navigation menu, click Approvals. This opens the Approvals page where you can see all approval requests assigned to you. The Pending tab lists requests that are yet to be reviewed. The Past tab displays requests already reviewed by you or other approvers, as well as requests canceled by the requester.
  4. To view details of a specific request, click Review corresponding to it.

Approve or reject an approval request

To approve or reject a request, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the instructions in the View workflow approval requests section above to see details of the workflow you want to review. Alternatively, click the Choreo Console link in the approval request email notification you received. This takes you to the request details in the Choreo Console.
  2. Review the request and click Approve or Reject based on your decision.